Generational Order is a funny term.
How did Parentpoints come up with it? What does it mean?
Why should you care?
Well, Generational Order is just two words put together to form a concept about what used to be in place in the social scheme of things, and what seems to be out of place today.
Here's a few Encarta definitions to get your mind working:
Generation - 1) a group of contemporaries. That is, all of the people who were born at approximately the same time, considered as a group, and especially when considered as having shared interests and attitudes. 2) Stage in descent. A single stage in the descent of a family or a group of people, animals, or plants, or the individual members of that stage.
Order - 1) The way things are arranged, classified, or patterned.
And here's the Parentpoints official definition:
Generational Order - The natural law that is core to regulating the cycle of procreation, the balance of human existence, and the effects of human interaction on the continuous evolution of a civilization.
There are three terms in this definition that you should be concerned about:
Natural Law, Balance, and Human Interaction
It's important that we hold these key terms in mind, because we live in uncertain times. The past fifty years have carried us to rapid technological advances, including inventions designed to keep us connected, but also to keep us engaged, entertained, and therefore disconnected as a result, particularly from our elders who are no longer in the workplace and don't have as much access to the things that engage their progeny for much of the day.
The past fifty years have also seen a jump in family instability due to stress factors and the overall confusion of just trying to keep up in this fast paced world. This instability has opened the door to more and more elements like drug addiction, alcoholism, mental instability, incarceration and other related situations that continue to threaten our family structure.
These are things that a strong and focused family could detect, intervene, and eliminate, and a scattered family will likely not detect or act on until it's too late in the game not to suffer consequences that could have been avoided.
Generations are our living elders, and their children, and their children's children, all doing their part to keep order and balance in the world. Have you ever heard the phrase, "You never stop being a parent?" Well, that used to be true. When we had children, even though some of us were still children ourselves, we learned real quick that it stopped being about us and started being about them. We had to feed their bellies, first off. While we were doing that, we had to feed their hearts with our love and our caring, and most importantly, our protection. We had to let them know straight away that they were not alone, that they had somebody they could count on to catch them when they fell and to guide them where they needed to go until they could navigate themselves. We had to keep a safe harbor, should they ever feel the need to come back home.
We kept that home in order, and we looked around us at a bigger home. That is, our communities, our cities, states and our nation. We had to make sure we also did our part out there, because we knew we'd have to send them out there someday, and we wanted it to be a safe place where voices could be heard, values respected, and every human could walk with dignity and regard.
And when our children had children, like us they had to realize real quick that now, as parents, they were now tasked with the same job we had. And we got to be grandparents. Now ain't that grand? We got to relax a little bit, pamper the little ones and, when necessary, offer council so everybody understood how to manage all these things that were new to them but part of the natural order of things. What is a world without order but chaos?
So this is how our societies have been built in the past. In an ordered world, we parents groom our children while they're young. We give them as much as we can for them to walk as members of the human race, respecting the values of others and conducting themselves with dignity and respect as they get their educations and start preparing their place out in the world. When they're ready, we hand them the reigns. As they become parents and adults, making their impact on the world, they come to us from time to time for guidance, but knowing that the weight of tomorrow and the victory is now theirs.
In a stable world, the elders are qualified with knowledge, wisdom, and experience, and are available to guide their progeny from a position of dignity in the family.
Parents and adults have the respect of their children. They have a handle on how to navigate their modern environment, and they're able to lead and coach those children so they can become strong adults who are an asset to the world they live in.
Children respect their parents and elders; they learn from them and are able to form their own ideas, enjoying life with the protection of their elders.
In an unstable world, in the world we have slipped into, Elders have been ostracized. They are not respected and they're often viewed as useless. Their wisdom becomes an untapped resource. Take a minute to look around you, if you will.
In an unstable and unbalanced world, parents are getting younger and younger. They are missing the wisdom that would have been passed down from the elders. The new grandparents are younger and under-qualified for their roles. Look around, and see the evidence of this.
In an unstable world, children are making bad choices. They lack the basic things that used to be taught by their parents and elders. They are starving for true guidance. Look!
This is why Parentpoints teaches Generational Order. We understand that the patterns of society are shaped by the choices that we make. We have become a society quick to complain, and slow to offer real solutions. We have become an every-man-for-himself race without acknowledging that, as we become parents and elders, it's not about us. We convince ourselves that we're working three and four jobs for our families, to prepare our children for a better life than the one we had... and all the while the one we're giving them is abandonment, lack of guidance, and a self-serving example to pass on to our grandchildren.
Parentpoints teaches Generational Order to bring us back to that reverence that we used to have for our elders, who still have some wisdom to impart to those who'll listen. To bring us back to the kind of parenthood that begins in the home with talking to each other, spending time together, building each other up and being part of each other's lives. Parentpoints teaches Generational Order to restore knowledge and bring order back to the American Family.
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